Thursday, November 8, 2012

Choosing Plants That Will Not Harm Children

One great way to improve the look as well as the resale value of your home is with an improved landscape. Whether you enjoy doing things yourself, or would rather employ professional help, the tips in this article can help you progress towards your landscaping goals.

Research your region's hardiness zone, and choose plants that are most likely to survive based on that information. The USDA's most recent updates were made in 2012, the first update in 22 years. The map will help you select plants that are likely to withstand the lowest temperatures in your area.

Landscape designers can be of great assistance with planning projects. Always ask for a portfolio of projects this particular designer has worked on. Also ask about the costs and time frames associated with completion. Remember to have the designer give you references as well. Not only should they have personal references, they also need professional ones. When you check the reference, determine if they stayed on budget.

You can fill space in with groundcover plants, which also look nice. Groundcover plants like vinca and phlox add beauty but they also deter weeds and minimize the area that needs frequent mowing. Also, they increase your landscape's depth, color and dimension.

Make sure your landscape includes plants of different sizes and shapes. The plants that are the largest are the ones that are the anchors, and the smaller plants should be placed around them. Lower plants in front of taller ones will help to fill in the area. It's always a good idea to have a theme in your landscape, so long as you have enough contrast.

If you're designing your landscape on your own, then try out mulch for your flowerbeds. Mulch keeps moisture in the soil so that heat and dry air don't kill your plants. They will get just the amount of water they need every day.

Water features can be a wonderful addition to many yards, whether it be in the form of fountains or ponds. Water features have an added benefit, as they attract wildlife to your garden, adding to the natural setting. Be careful when deciding where to install your water features, because they need electricity to operate.

Invest in a drip style watering system for your plants. They are so simple to set up, cost-effective and provide your plants with as much water as they need. This also saves water, as the water is delivered in drips rather than through a sprinkler or hose sprays water everywhere.

One inexpensive way to add color and variety to your landscaping is by developing wildflowers. The seeds for wildflowers are easy to find in your local landscaping center. These can be thrown in large areas where you are unlikely to place traditional landscaping plants. The end result will provide you with lots of different colored flowers. Wildflowers are gorgeous in your yard and they can also help to create beautiful bouquets for your dining room table!

If you have a large shade tree in your yard, planting flowers underneath it can be difficult. You can choose to put a ground cover such as mulch, or perhaps a bench around the base to give it a well maintained look. This can add beauty to your yard, and it is very easy to maintain. Some options for ground cover include hosta and sweet woodruff.

Consider adding a water garden to your landscaping. You might want to invest what it takes to get the right materials and plants from a specialty store. The help that you can get from the sales associates will go a long way in making your water garden look as beautiful as you want it to.

Draw up a plan of what you are hoping to achieve before you start your landscaping project. This lets you visualize the space with the correct dimensions, thanks to your careful measurements, so you can estimate the materials needed and costs involved. You will also find it easier to change a sketch than to actually change your landscape.

Make a design that is as functional as it is appealing. For example, pay attention to how much space you are allocating between the patio and the driveway; you do not want it to be too narrow. Also, to deter bugs from entering your home, don't place shrubs or plants in places where they will make contact with your house.

Try using simple design elements when landscaping. Choose some plants as anchor plants that can be planted throughout your landscape for a continuous design. Also use repetition of the same variety of plants to create unity. This gives your landscaping a balance by maintaining the patterns in your landscaping areas. Variation could be achieved in planting plants that have different leaf textures.

Choose plants that will be pretty all through the year. You should have lots of plants that will bloom in the summer and spring and then some trees that will have your yard looking green in the winter. Be sure to study plants before beginning your landscape project. This is the key to creating a successful landscape.

Be sure to have a good plan from the outset to avoid wasting money. Create a sketch of your finished landscape so you know precisely which materials you need. You may enjoy just buying things on impulse; however, this can destroy your budget.

Edging helps to keep your yard looking more professional, so never overlook this step. Edging where the grass meets the mulch is a good idea, as this is part of the upkeep of your landscaping efforts.

It is nice saying hi to the neighbors, but when planning your landscaping projects, privatizing your space can offer peace and tranquility. This can be achieved by adding shrubs, trees or even a fence. Look around for some creative options if you wish to add privacy to your landscaping.

A drip style irrigation system is a great addition for your yard. These irrigation systems are easy to install, and they allow you to give your plants a continuous stream of water. This system is efficient too, because it uses a drip instead of a stream.

Landscaping is much like home renovation--knowledge is the major factor. Read through various resources and take their advice to heart as you design your project; this will help you achieve the results you want.

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