Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Designing A Landscape For The Area In Which You Live

You must learn a few things about your projects before you start them. If you do not understand the process, you are likely to cause yourself a big headache; this article is full of advice to help you get your landscaping project off on the right foot.

If you want to put your home on the market at some point, you should consider bringing the landscaping up to date before-hand. A bright green lawn, a few stones, or some beautiful bushes are a lot more appealing to buyers than dry, lifeless glass and a bland yard.

Landscaping plans should always take into consideration the entire picture, not just the individual parts. Make a yard and home map so you know what can go where. This way, you will know where certain items can and can't go.

Use your landscaping space wisely. For instance, if you don't like the sound of passing cars, you can muffle those sounds with hedges. Creating a play-space in your yard can not only entertain your children, but add some fun and interest to the look of your yard. You can also build entertainment, grilling and other spaces on your land.

Creating a list of what you need before you start landscaping is a tip that everyone will need to think about doing. You don't want to jump in without planning, and learn that you've made a mistake, and can't complete your project because you're missing crucial items.

Mail order sites and catalogs often have great deals on plants. A lot of specialty or rare plants are available online for a lower cost. It will be more convenient for you as well because you do not have to worry about transporting the plants since they will be shipped to your house. Be sure to take shipping costs into account to determine whether or not the purchase is an economical one.

Start with basic elements of design and add to them as you get more comfortable with landscaping. Anchor plants will add continuity to your yard. You can use specific shrubs and bushes in patterns that will give your design some unity. You can easily balance your yard by plating in patterns and keeping an area filled with a single type of plant. Incorporate shrubs that have different leaf colors, textures, and bloom periods.

It's hard to landscape your entire property at once. It makes sense to complete your work in stages so that you do not need to spend lots of money at once. It will also be easier to implement any design changes that become necessary.

Try to create a landscape design that provides interest 12 months of the year. This strategy incorporates different plants that bloom in different seasons. A landscape you can enjoy year-round will please you every day.

Ground covering plants can make your landscape look nice while filling in space. Anything from ivy to creeping phlox can be a beautiful choice for covering up unattractive ground and preventing weeds. Furthermore, they will add color and dimension to your landscaping.

Despite what most people think, it is not absolutely necessary for you to hire a landscaper to take care of your projects. This just ends in your spending a lot of money. However, it can never hurt to speak with landscaper who can set you in the right direction as far as what you should do.

If you intend to sell your house anytime soon, updating the landscaping and adding curb appeal will be an important factor. You can attract buyers with a birdbath, landscape stones, and even a thriving green lawn.

Are you considering selling your house soon? Landscaping your yard is a great way to increase the value of your house. Making your backyard into an appealing and functional space will contribute to your home's value, while investing your time in beautifying your front yard can produce instant curb appeal.

There are many things to learn before beginning a landscape project. For example, you will need to know which plants work best in your climate and location. When landscaping, it is important that you are aware of the seasons. You must be aware of this information to ensure that you get the results that you want.

Work your way around your yard in phases. As you work in sections, you will find it easier to tackle and more affordable to get the right plants that meet your wants. You could start with different plant types or different sections.

Be sure to have a good plan from the outset to avoid wasting money. Create a sketch of your finished landscape so you know precisely which materials you need. This will help you to avoid impulsive, wasted, and expensive purchases.

Landscape your yard in stages, focusing on one region of the yard at a time. If you divide your yard into sections and then work on each section independently, it might be easier to afford the varieties of plants that you would really like to have. You could either start with different sections or start with different types of plants.

Varied and unique leaf textures in plants can be a wise decision if you are planning a landscaping project. Work a few uniquely textured plants into an existing garden for greater depth. For maximum beauty, disperse them evenly.

Water is a great idea for landscaping designs. It's very easy to put in a fountain, small pond or a pump. If you are able to afford one, a pond or waterfall is a great back or front yard addition. Adding water provides a focus point.

As this article mentioned, landscaping isn't so tough if done properly. Use the tips you just read to help you improve the results of your landscaping efforts. After diligent research and some trial-by-fire, you can build your landscaping expertise. Now is the time to get moving on your quest to create a beautiful outdoor environment for your home.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Need Some Quick Horticulture Advice? Read This

Horticulture can be very useful, rewarding and fun. It really pays off when you are able to have a successful garden. Not only do you get good produce, but also a wonderful sense of accomplishment. The tips in this article will help you get the most from your garden.

Invest in a kneeling stool, and a wheelbarrow to work in the garden. Horticulture can be very tough on the knees as you spend much time leaning near the ground, so a portable stool can make all the difference to your comfort. Horticulture involves moving heavy objects and dirt, so a wheelbarrow makes for a wise investment.

When planting perennials, seek out those that are resistant to slugs. Slugs and snails can decimate a plant in one night. These pests prefer plants with thin smooth leaves. Plant some helleborus or euphorbias along with your other perennials. Others, though, are disliked by slugs and snails. Those with rough leaves or an unappetizing taste will be less desired by slugs and snails. Examples of these include euphorbia, hellebourus and achillea. Others you may want to consider are campanula and heuchera.

Make sure to lay the sod properly. Your soil should be prepared before you lay the sod. Eradicate any weeds and work the soil until it is very fine. When the soil is clean, pack it tightly and create a flat surface. Moisten the soil thoroughly. You should lay your sod staggered, and have the joints offset. Press the sod down firmly so that the surface is flat and even. If there are gaps remaining, fill them with a bit of soil. You will have to water the sod every day for 2 weeks, and then it should be firmly rooted to the ground, and able to be walked on.

Any time that you are gardening in direct sunlight, dress appropriately to prevent skin damage. Wear sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses. Wearing sun protection will prevent your skin from burning and by extension will reduce your risk of developing skin cancer.

Plant perennials that are slug-proof. Slugs and snails can decimate a plant in one night. They gravitate towards perennials with smooth thin leaves, particularly on younger plants. Perennials with hairy, tough leaves as well as those with unpleasant taste are not appetizing to snails and slugs. Wonderful varieties of such perennials include euphorbia, campanula, helleborus, achillea, and heuchera.

Fertilize your garden. While a lot of people use manure, it is better to choose fertilizer from a reputable company, as this will reduce the risk of any pathogens getting into your soil. There are many fertilization methods out there; the type is not quite as important as actually using something.

Keep your tools stored away safely if you're in a large traffic area. If valuable tools are left out, it could prove to be too tempting for a potential thief.

Soak your seeds in a dark spot during the overnight hours. Put some seeds (a small amount) in a container that isn't too large for the plant you'll be growing. Fill that container with water, almost to the top. This will give your seeds a good start by making sure they have plenty of water, which they need to sprout. This will also give your seeds a much better chance to survive and mature.

You need water for a healthy garden. Just like people, plants require water for their survival. On very hot days, the sun can dry out the soil, and it is important that no one forgets to water the garden thoroughly. With sufficient watering, a garden will thrive.

Snails can be sprayed away with a mixture of ammonia and water. The ammonia will not hurt your precious plants, and it will later convert to beneficial nitrogen. It will kill off the snails and stop them from bringing harm to your garden beds. For best results you're going to want to use this mixture daily.

When mowing the lawn, don't mow the grass all the way down to the root. If you let your grass keep some height after mowing, it will be able to absorb more sun and moisture resulting in a lusher, greener lawn. The shorter the grass, the shallower the roots, which makes the lawn more likely to develop brown patches.

Avoid sun damage by dressing appropriately whenever you will be gardening in the sun. Choose hats with overlapping brims, don those sunglasses and smear on the sunscreen. When you protect yourself against the sun's rays, you are more likely to avoid both skin cancer and sunburn.

If you're growing veggies in the garden, they need to be in a spot that lets them get about six hours of sun daily. Many vegetables need about this much sun to grow quickly. Some flowers need the same thing.

You should divide irises. Take clumps that have become overgrown and divvy them up into separate plants. If you notice a dead foliage, lift the bulb. You will be able to split the bulb easily and replant it to get more flowers next year. For plants with rhizomes, use a knife to divide them. You can split the Rhizomes production by cutting off thin portions from the exterior and discarding the remaining insides. Each piece should have at least one strong offshoot. Immediately replant all your selected cuttings.

Bulbs are a great option for people who want to enjoy spring and summer flowers. Most people have no trouble successfully growing bulbs, and their flowers will return each and every year. Specific types of bulbs usually bloom at specific times of the season, so if you make appropriate selections, you can be rewarded with blooms from the early part of spring to the later part of summer.

Pest control is one of the hardest things about growing a vegetable garden. Avoid spraying harsh chemicals on fruits and vegetables destined for your table. Instead of resorting to these harmful chemicals, you can keep garden pests at bay simply by paying close attention. If you catch pests early, you can remove them by hand effectively.

When thinking about the vegetables to plant in your garden, consider the vegetables that you most commonly use in the kitchen. By doing this, you will be able to use the horticulture space to your best advantage, and you will also save money on food bills. There is no point in growing something that your family will not eat, especially if you are limited on space.

Vegetables should be planted in an area where they will get a minimum of six hours of daily sunlight. Almost all vegetables need this much sunlight, so that they can grow correctly and in a shorter amount of time. This also rings true for some of the flowers.

In conclusion, whether you are gardening on your own or with friends, the tips you've read above are sure to be helpful. Gardening can become a treasured family activity. You can even invite your friends! Regardless of whether you garden alone or in the company of others, these tips are sure to be a valued part of your gardening technique.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Horticulture Hints For People Who Are Intimidated By It

If lush and vibrant plants growing in your personal garden are something that you aspire to, then a number of things need to be taken into consideration for you to reach that dream. If you go in without knowing what you're doing, you'll be putting in a lot of hard work for nothing. You'll never experience the fun that comes with gardening. The following hints and tips can reduce the effort and increase the fun!

Plant some trees that bear colorful fruit in the fall. Fall color is usually something that foliage boasts, but there are many trees that produce beautiful, colorful fruit. The berries, which last deep into the winter, blossom in magnificent shades of yellow and red, adding a burst of color to an otherwise drab landscape. Some great examples of these types of plants are crabapple, hawthorn, chokeberry, and holly.

When planting perennials, seek out those that are resistant to slugs. Slugs and snails can decimate a plant in one night. These pests prefer plants with thin smooth leaves. Plant some helleborus or euphorbias along with your other perennials. Others, though, are disliked by slugs and snails. Those with rough leaves or an unappetizing taste will be less desired by slugs and snails. Examples of these include euphorbia, hellebourus and achillea. Others you may want to consider are campanula and heuchera.

There is always a best time to pick your garden's vegetables, and you should know them. Every veggie variety has an ideal time frame for picking, so it's important to catch them when their flavors peak. For instance, zucchini and baby peas have the best taste when you pick them early. On the other hand, tomatoes taste best when they are as ripe as possible from the vine. Thus, you ought to familiarize yourself with the best times to pick the produce from your garden.

Watering your garden too little or too much is to be avoided if you want your garden to grow properly. Over watering can cause the roots of your plants to rot and under watering does not give your plants the moisture they need to grow healthy and strong. Remember to keep an eye on the moisture in your soil, and maintain it at the proper level.

Use the correct type of soil for best results. You should choose your soil depending on the plants that you are going to plant. You can also create an artificial area with only one kind of soil.

Using natural materials in the garden will keep pests away. For example, if you plant onions or marigolds along the edges of your vegetable garden, you can ward off slugs. Wood ash, when used like mulch, can keep away pests after it is spread around a tree base and shrub seedlings. Using these methods eliminates your need of chemical pesticides.

Dwarf fruit trees are the perfect choice for a small sized garden. Most gardens, especially the ones in city lots, tend to be small, but there's always area for a small fruit tree. These tiny trees will bear full-sized fruit in about three years. Dormant trees should be planted in the spring and then watered well until they get established.

Make garden tools do double duty as handy makeshift rulers. Tools with long handles, such as shovels, hoes and rakes can be made into measuring sticks. Just lay your tool down on the floor then lay a yardstick beside the handle. Label the distances onto them using a permanent marker pen. Next time you are working in the garden, you will have a large ruler at your fingertips!

The quick and drastic change in the weather conditions can shock your plants and cause them to die. It's important that you gradually change temperate conditions over time, so that your plants can adjust. Start by placing your plants outside for a few hours only. Slowly, day after day, you can leave your plants outside for a little longer. Finally, after about a week, you should be able to move them outside and leave them there for the summer.

Clay soil is hard and will also stick to a shovel, making it difficult to work with. Coat the shovel with floor or car wax, and buff it with a clean rag to make the job a lot easier. By waxing the shovel head, the clay will not be able to adhere to the surface.

Analyze the soil before you even get started with working in a garden. Have a soil report done. It is cost effective and you can make necessary adjustments, based on the report, to your soil so it is correctly enriched to encourage plant growth. The cost of the analysis will be easily offset by the benefits of a healthy and vibrant crop.

In order to rid your garden of pests, take advantage of plant materials and other organic matter. Slugs can be kept at bay with a patch of marigolds or pungent vegetables. Keep insects away from shrub and tree seedlings with mulch containing wood ash. Natural remedies, like the ones listed, will help reduce the need and usage of harsh chemical pesticides.

Beautiful insects are attracted to heather when you plant it. Bees are attracted to heather, and they can bring a source of nectar early in the spring. Undisturbed shrubs, such as beds of heather, are probably home to a number of beneficial insects like spiders and ground beetles. If you do have to tend to your heather, wear gloves in case you accidentally annoy one of the residents!

In order to rid your garden of pests, take advantage of plant materials and other organic matter. Onions and marigolds can get rid of pests in the garden. Wood ash used as mulch helps repel pests as well when around shrubs and trees. You will be able to stay away from harsh chemical based pesticides by incorporating these techniques into your horticulture.

The nutrients from vegetables can help. If you steam your vegetables, you can pour the remaining water around them. For gardenias and rhododendrons, try putting your used coffee grounds or tea bags in the soil so they may acquire the acid they need for proper growth. Chamomile tea can be used as an effective fungicide for potted plants.

You could try to boil weeds if you are trying to remain organic. Boiling water is a safe herbicide which won't damage your garden or your body. Just pour out the water on the weeds being careful to avoid any nearby plants. Weed roots will suffer harm from boiling water, and this will probably stop them from growing more.

Bumble bees can help with the pollination of your garden. There are however, some bees such as the carpenter bees, that eat wood to create nests. That said, the majority of bees are crucial to your garden. Learn how to recognize the good from the bad so that you can let the good do its job.

Vegetables should be planted in an area where they will get a minimum of six hours of daily sunlight. Almost all vegetables need this much sunlight, so that they can grow correctly and in a shorter amount of time. This also rings true for some of the flowers.

Gardening can be highly rewarding and a wonderful experience. The rewards increase as you develop your skills and your garden flourishes. Use all of the information you can gather to improve and enhance your experience. If you begin by applying the suggestions from this article, the garden of your dreams will be better than you could have ever imagined.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Enjoy Your Own Organic Produce With These Tips

You want to have a fresh and organic garden. This is great timing! The tips below can help you begin your organic garden.

Find crops that are of a high value to grow in your garden. Of course, a particular plant's value will be subjective. By growing plants whose fruits or vegetables cost a bit at the market, you can save money. Remember to have fun. Get plants that you enjoy taking care of and take pride in your garden, once it grows.

Maneuver the trees you plant around your home so that they are in a location that is optimal for shade over the home. Since tree shade cools your home naturally, it'll cut back on your energy consumption and lower your electric bill.

Use fruit peelings and scraps of fruit and vegetable waste to create your own compost. These natural compost creating items will create a great natural and organic compost for your beds, giving you naturally beautiful and healthy plants as well for virtually no cost.

When you are preparing fresh vegetables for meals, take a few minutes after dinner to chop the excess pieces finely and add them to your garden. This will help to nourish the soil and assist with growing healthy, new crops. Of course, if you have a large amount of vegetable scraps, you should compost them in a compost heap, but small amounts of scraps can go directly to the soil.

For some plants, pine needles makes an ideal mulch. Some plants are more acidic, and prefer soil that contains higher acidic levels. Use pine needles to increase the acid level in your soil if you have plants that require higher acid. Spread the needles over the beds in a layer that is approximately 2-inches deep. Over time, the needles will begin to decay, supplying the soil with acid as they do.

Use peelings from fruit or other left over pieces like apple cores to create your own low cost compost. These food products contribute to a terrific natural compost for your garden, helping your plants grow beautifully and healthfully at nearly no extra cost to you.

Rotate your garden annually. When the same corner of the garden accommodates the members of the same plant family repeatedly, it can become a breeding ground for disease, illness or fungi. Those things can wait silently in the soil and attack plants the next year. So, you want to make sure you mix it up and keep your garden on the move so that you avoid a problem like this.

Maneuver the trees you plant around your home so that they are in a location that is optimal for shade over the home. Natural shade will cool your home by a few degrees, which decreases the amount of energy consumed by your A/C unit. Over time, you will save money on your monthly electric bills.

Compost is extremely helpful in a garden, but what is in it? Almost any organic item can be used to make compost. It may include leaves and grass, food scraps and wood chips. This rich mixture is far superior to chemical fertilizers.

It is a good idea to get organic garden certification so as to reaffirm your claims that your products really are organic. This will not only increase sales, but it will demonstrate to your customers that your products are legitimate and that you are doing what it takes to grow the best crops.

Keep the leaves you rake to use in your compost pile. The leaves decompose, which means they become a nutrient rich, healthy compost that is also organic. You will find this to be a great no-cost method of getting organic compound for your garden.

Preparing a plot for planting a perennial garden can be done quickly and without difficulty. It isn't as hard as it may seem; you basically just slice down under the turf, flip it over, and spread wood chips four to three inches. Give this area at least a few weeks, then you can dig into the area and plant the new perennials.

One way to ensure efficiency while gardening is to keep your tools close by. Wear pants with multiple pockets or use a toolbox or large bucket. Keep your trowel, pruning shears and gloves handy so you can do your garden work quickly and easily.

Keep your compost pile balanced with a combination of dried and green plant mulch. "Green" material refers to things like wilted flowers, weeds, leaves from your yard, and grass clippings. Dried material includes straw, shredded paper, and cardboard. You should not use things like meat scraps, charcoal, blighted plants or the manure of meat-eating animals in your compost.

You can be a bit more environmentally friendly by doing things like saving rainwater. To collect rainwater, use rain barrels or buckets. It will save you money by not having to use extra water to keep your garden growing. One of the few things in life that is both free and plentiful is rainwater! When you do this, you'll soon learn that rainwater will have a positive impact on your plants.

Mixing garlic, chives, and onions with the water to make an organic spray can really help discourage unwanted pests in your beautiful garden. Make some spray made of onions, chives, garlic, and a mix of around a half of a cup of water, strain the mixture and put it into a spray bottle.

If you need to prove to customers that your produce is legitimately organic, you can become certified as an organic grower. Obtaining this certification will give you further credibility as an organic gardener, boosting sales and proving to your customers that you provide only the best.

Be sure you know how you should buy plants that you want to add in your organic garden. It is especially important to understand how to buy perennials and annuals. It's important to select plants that have budded but haven't bloomed yet. That way, the plants will have the ability to build sturdy roots within your garden.

Invite biodiversity into your garden. You will notice more wildlife if you have diverse plants. Plant various plant types to create a natural environment. A diverse garden is incredibly attractive. It's also very rewarding and relaxing.

An organic gardener enjoys the benefits of working with nature, producing wonderful food through hard work and patience. This hobby makes use of the land around us to grow something that tastes really good. All it takes is a little studying and practice to become a successful organic gardener